Concepts in Curvature


Step 3: Understand dT/ds

Our next step is to find the rate of change of the unit tangent vector with respect to the position of a point moving along the curve dT/dsdT/ds. We need to find this with respect to the curve instead of with respect to time because the curvature of the curve is not dependant on how fast a particle is traveling along the curve. We're finding geometry, not trajectory.

To find dT/dsdT/ds, we need to find the rate of change of the unit tangent vector with respect to time, dT/dtdT/dt, and then divide it by the rate of change of the position of the particle with respect to time, ds/dtds/dt. The dtdts cancel out, leaving us with dT/dsdT/ds.

dTds=dT/dtds/dt\frac{dT}{ds} = \frac{dT/dt}{ds/dt}

We already know how to find ds/dtds/dt from the previous step, so all we need to do is find dT/dtdT/dt. The math for this gets even messier than before, so just make sure you understand what we're doing conceptually.

The graph to the right shows both our unit tangent vector TT in white, as well as dT/dsdT/ds in blue. You can also see how dT/dsdT/ds is "pulling" TT as time increases by toggling the switch below.

DrawdTds\frac{dT}{ds}from s(t)s(t)DrawdTds\frac{dT}{ds}from TT

t=0.000t = 0.000dT/ds=1.500\left\lVert dT/ds \right\rVert= 1.500